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Minutes October 2010
Bolton Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting October 12, 6:00 p.m.
Program Room

Present: Bob Zak, Roland Ochsenbein, Chris Sterling
Also present: Kelly Collins, Leigh Shanny, Pam Czekanski

Agenda Items:

The board discussed Leigh Shanny’s draft survey of library patrons. The survey will address adult and children’s services and programs. A teen survey will be done at a later date. We will be using Survey Monkey and Kelly and Leigh will work out the logistics of sending out invitations to take the survey. People taking the survey will have to enter the last five digits of their library card number to ensure that people do not take the survey multiple times.

Bolton Library Foundation:
Pam Czekanski suggested that rather than establishing a stand-alone foundation, we work through an umbrella organization in Worcester. She will look into it.

Building/Construction Update:
Numerous attempts have been made to have a meeting to discuss open items, but it appears that this will not happen. Roland made a motion to accept the proposed terms of the Bolton Final Closeout and Settlement dated September 22nd, 2010 (see attached in hard copy) with the stipulation that the OPM continues to pursue acceptable resolutions of outstanding issues. The motion was seconded by Bob and passed unanimously.

The minutes of the September 7th meeting were approved.
We have not heard from Bolton’s Emergency Management person. Kelly will contact him for advice on filling out the survey.

State Aid Form:
Bob signed the financial component of the state aid form.

CD Browser Bins:
Our new CD collection has been growing rapidly. A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Roland and passed unanimously to use $834.32 of our state aid money to purchase CD browser bins.

Extra Keys:
DPW has asked for two extra keys to the library. A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Chris, and passes unanimously to supply the keys to DPW. Kelly will also look into security issues – security cameras, and paying for recording who is accessing the building.

Art Donation:
Kelly will coordinate with Roland to pick up the frame from Lori Colby and get it and the painting to Hudson Art and Framing.

The next meeting will be Tuesday November 2nd at 6 p.m. at the library.

Respectfully submitted, the Trustees,

Robert Zak                      Roland Ochsenbein                       Christine Sterling